Counting in Tens - Worksheet

Year 1
Counting in Tens - Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Maths Resource Description

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This series of worksheets is a valuable resource for teaching the concept of counting in tens, a foundational mathematical skill. The first worksheet presents a practical approach to understanding multiplication and accumulation by asking students to calculate the total number of various items, such as sweets, socks, apples, fish, pencils, and grapes. Each item is grouped in tens, and students must determine the total quantity by considering the number of groups and the items within each group. For instance, they are prompted to calculate the total number of sweets by multiplying the number of sweets in each jar by the total number of jars, and so on for the other items. This method helps to reinforce the concept of counting in tens and the basics of multiplication.

The second worksheet introduces a series of problems where a character named Dolly requires a specific number of items, all of which are grouped in tens. Students are tasked with figuring out how many groups of ten are needed to meet Dolly's needs. For example, if Dolly wants 20 fish and there are 10 fish in each bowl, students must work out that two bowls are required. This worksheet helps to develop problem-solving skills and further cements the students' ability to work with multiples of ten. The third worksheet shifts focus to patterns in numbers, asking students to shade numbers on a hundred square grid as they count in tens from different starting points. This visual exercise encourages students to recognise and analyze number patterns, such as what remains constant and what changes when counting in tens from various starting numbers. Through these activities, students gain a deeper understanding of number sequences and the decimal system.

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